Genre: Nü Metal/Alternative Metal
Country: Spain
Year: 2015
1. My Motivation
2. Sexy Erotic Karma
3. Crying Blood
4. Retiro
5. Hysteric Coprolalia
6. Surprise MF
A few days ago came to my knowledge the existence of “Thornskill”, a recently created Alternative Metal band from Spain. They released a six song Demo, free to listen and download for everyone… and free music is always welcome. As a thank you, I want to give my honest opinion (not that anyone should care about it anyway) about this work.
Thornskill recognizes itself as a Alternative/Nü Metal band. And that’s just right. I don’t know where the Alternative Metal ends and the Nü Metal begins, I don’t fuking know if it is the same thing, and I don’t care. But, what i know is that this style has many shades. So, what kind of “Alternative Metal” this band plays? The answer is: a complex one. Thornskill mixes many little bits of different styles over and over again in an almost progressive style, but maintaining every song as a coherent and original piece. Because of this, their music feels fresh and interesting at every time, even though the band uses a pop song structure. This work may remind the NüMetal's golden years, around the year 2000, but enriched with new ideas and complexity.
This complex mix brings an original composition most of the time, others not. For instance, some riffs present in the second song reminds me to System of a Down. (Maybe to the song "B.Y.O.B." or "Forest". In fact, up to a certain point, one could perfectly think it’s a System of a Down song.
Melodic tunes and aggressive riffs are making love through all the demo and in every track. The result is more amusing than beautiful, and more than interesting enough to please anyone. Certainly the style is not a melodic one, but it's neither an aggressive one.
As a Death Metal fan, I welcome the use of harsh vocals and screams, so I’m glad to hear them in this Demo. Impressively, I think that, because of the special way they are used, and because of the lyrics, even listeners that are not used to listen this vocals, or are not fond of them, may welcome them as well. The occasional use of female vocals are also welcome. They add even more spice to the already tasty mix.
Finally, Thornskill is indeed a Nü Metal band, but its style reaches a lot more than this only genre. This Demo will be a good addition to my bulky music collection, and not just another work lost among many. I send my best wishes to this promising band, and I hope to hear some new songs soon.
Rating: 7/10
You can also listen to them through their Youtube channel and check their web page at
If you want to download their Demo EP, here is the link.
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